Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking for Christmas Trees - Buscando el arbol de navidad

Each year, for as long as my mom can remember, she has gone with her family to choose a tree for Christmas. This was the first year that we began the tradition with MY family. Here are a few pictures of our adventure!
Here I am with Chester, ready to go!
This is one bumpy ride!

Still looking... todavia buscando

Found it! Our tree is on the left ... perfect except for a very crooked trunk!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Baby Sister is Here! Llego mi hermanita!

To hear all about her, go to www.babycogua2008.blogspot.com

Para conocerla, ve a www.babycogua2008.blogspot.com

I think she's pretty great! Yo la adoro!

Los abuelitos are here! Llegaron los abuelitos!

Mis "Abupas" llegaron el viernes (Abupa es una combinacion que yo invente de abuelo/a y computadora - el es mi abuleo de computadora y lo adoro!) ... dos dias antes de que nacio mi hermanita! Justo a tiempo. Estos son las fotos del bienvenido en el aeropuerto. Yo corri para abrazarlo a mi abupa - me hizo mucho falta! Pues, no lo habi a visto desde el ano pasado!

My "Abupa" arrived on Friday (Abupa is a word I invented myself, a cross b/w abuelo and computadora)... two days before my little sister was born. Just on time. These are the pictures from their welcome at the airport. I ran to greet my Abupa with a big hug - I missed him - I hadn't seen him since last February!