Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking for Christmas Trees - Buscando el arbol de navidad

Each year, for as long as my mom can remember, she has gone with her family to choose a tree for Christmas. This was the first year that we began the tradition with MY family. Here are a few pictures of our adventure!
Here I am with Chester, ready to go!
This is one bumpy ride!

Still looking... todavia buscando

Found it! Our tree is on the left ... perfect except for a very crooked trunk!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Baby Sister is Here! Llego mi hermanita!

To hear all about her, go to www.babycogua2008.blogspot.com

Para conocerla, ve a www.babycogua2008.blogspot.com

I think she's pretty great! Yo la adoro!

Los abuelitos are here! Llegaron los abuelitos!

Mis "Abupas" llegaron el viernes (Abupa es una combinacion que yo invente de abuelo/a y computadora - el es mi abuleo de computadora y lo adoro!) ... dos dias antes de que nacio mi hermanita! Justo a tiempo. Estos son las fotos del bienvenido en el aeropuerto. Yo corri para abrazarlo a mi abupa - me hizo mucho falta! Pues, no lo habi a visto desde el ano pasado!

My "Abupa" arrived on Friday (Abupa is a word I invented myself, a cross b/w abuelo and computadora)... two days before my little sister was born. Just on time. These are the pictures from their welcome at the airport. I ran to greet my Abupa with a big hug - I missed him - I hadn't seen him since last February!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall Fun


Playing with the Kids
Flirting and Dancing - Coqueto

Playing in the Leaves - Jugando en las hojas

Friday, October 31, 2008


Today Mateo celebrated his first Halloween - as a TIGER - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Hoy Mateo celebro su primer dia de Halloween - como un TIGRE - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Grandma and Grandpa came over before the trick-or-treating began for a pizza dinner. Mateo was not very excited about putting on his costume. We had to try and convince him putting black paint on his nose was a good idea - mom, dad, and grandpa all had painted black noses before Mateo would even think about it.

Grandma Sue y Grandpa Jim vinieron antes de que las festividades empezaron para compartir una pizza. Mateo no fue tan contento acerca de ponerse el disfrase. Toco convincerle poniendo la pintura negra en la nariz de todos - mama, papa y grandpa antes de que el lo pensaria.

Dad, Mom and Mateo went trick-or-treating with Giovanni and his parents. The boys rode in a wagon and got out at each house to make their most convincing plea for candy. Mateo loved going right up to the door. He caught onto the concept right away.

Papa, Mama y Mateo fueron trick-or-treating con Giovanni y sus papas. Los ninos montaron el vagon y salieron cada vez que paramos en una casa nueva para pedir los dulces. A Mateo le encanto llegar a la puerta, cogijo la idea de pedir dulces de una vez.

Once he got back to the house, Mateo was eager to pass out candy to each of the trick-or-treaters who came by. He might have even enjoyed that more than getting the candy himself! He did NOT like the older kids who came by with scary masks though. Those tricksters had to take off their masks to receive their treats! Los abuelos Jose and Edelmira watched Mateo via Skype.

Una vez que llego a la casa de nosotros, Mateo fue feliz dandoles dulces a los otros ninos que llegaron a nuestra casa. Tal vez disfruto eso mas que recibirlos! NO le gustaron los ninos disfrasados con mascaras asustantes, a ellos les toco quitarse las mascaras antes de que recibirian un dulce de Mateo! Los abuelos miraron la accion por Skype.

By the time the evening was through, Mateo was exhausted, but, as Tony the Tiger would say, he had a "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat" time!
Cuando llego el final de la noche, Mateo estaba exhausta, pero, como dice Tony el Tigre (del cereal), lo paso super <>

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Best Friends - El mejor amigo

The other day, Mateo went for a bike ride with his best friend, Giovanni. Giovanni and Mateo are only 3 days apart and live just one house away from each other! The boys rode together in a bike trailer while their dad's pedaled away down the bike trail near our house.

El otro dia, Mateo salio a montar bicicleta con su mejor amigo, Giovanni. Giovanni y Mateo tienen la misma edad separados por solamente 3 dias y viven separados por una casa! Los ninos montaron juntos en un trailer de bicicleta mientras los papas hicieron ejercicio por el camino cerquita a nuestra casa.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Labor Day at the Cabin

The first weekend in September/last weekend in August, we spent at the Olsen cabin with Edelmira and Carmen. A wonderful time!
Mateo's favorite game that weekend was playing his "broom guitar."

Mateo on a John Deere lawn mover at an auction nearby the cabin. Vrrrm, vrrrm!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My sister's blog - La pagina blog de mi hermanita

If you would like to learn more about my little sister (and I'm sure you will!), you can visit her new blog page at:

Si quisiera aprender mas acerca de mi hermanita (y estoy seguro que si!), puedes visitar a su nueva pagina:

Uncle Steve's house

With Aunt Nelly - con mi tia "Aunt Nelly"

Aunt Nelly, me and Mommy
Doing "The Fish" with my Great Uncle Steve and cousin, Chelsea
Jugando "El pescado" con mi bistio Steve y mi prima Chelsea
Dinner with my mom's maternal family (left to right-back row: Aunt Nelly, Marian, abuelita Edelmira, Eileen, Great Aunt Sharon, abuelita Carmen, Mommy. front: Grandma, me, Great Uncle Steve, Emma and Chelsea)
Comida con la familia materna de mi mama

Sunday, September 14, 2008

El paseo al zoologico

Que felicidad en el zoologico con mi familia
Como los gorilas - uu!uu!uu! A Mateo le gusta imitarlos
Que chivo!
Mateo con el chivo
Tenemos las misma cara de felicidad montados en el carrusel
Y monto solo!
Bao! (CHAO!)

Cual es mas grande?

En la selva de sur america en el zoologico
Mirando desde la ventana en la pieza de mi bisabuela

Me subo el pantalon, muestro las rodillas y rasco como mi abuelo Jose Agapito!